# BindHook

Creates a hook that returns a copy of the object/array returned by the getState function, resolving any observables properties to their latest emitted value (or undefined until the observable emits a value). If the hook is called with any arguments those arguments will be converted into observables that replay their current value and emit if the argument has changed between renders. These observables are then passed along to the getState function.

function bindHook<
	T extends {} | unknown[] | [],
	P extends Observable<unknown>[]
>(getState: (...params: P) => T): UseCurrentState<T, P>;

Non synchronous values

If any of the observables returned from the getState function do not emit a value synchronously at subscription time, then it value will be returned as undefined for the first render.


If any of the observables returned from the getState function throw an error then that error will be caught and re thrown by the component during rendering.

# Example

In this example the useClickCounter hook will return both the onClick property and the current value emitted by the count observable. When the onClick function is called the count observable will emit a new value, causing the component to re render and the hook to return the new value of count on the next render.

const useClickCounter = bindHook(() => {
	const clicks$ = new Subject();
	return {
		onClick: () => clicks$.next(),
		count: clicks$.pipe(scan((acc) => acc++, 0)),

function MyComponent() {
	const { onClick, count } = useClickCounter();
	return <div onClick={onClick}>{count}</div>;

# Example with inputs

Here the value$ prop will be emit the argument the hook is first called with, then again when the value of that argument changes. The hook will then return a debounced version of that value. On the initial render however it will returned undefined, this is because the observable will not emit the debounced value until after 300ms of the initial render.

const useDebounce = bindHook((value$) => {
	return { debouncedValue: value$.pipe(debounceTime(300)) };

function MyComponent({ someProp }) {
	const { debouncedValue: debouncedProp } = useDebounce(someProp);
	return <div>{debouncedProp}</div>;